Liselle Joseph
Assistant Professor, Mission Systems Division

Liselle Joseph
Assistant Professor, Mission Systems Division
Dr. Liselle Joseph is currently an Assistant Professor with dual appointments with Virginia Tech’s Aerospace & Ocean Engineering department and National Security Institute. Her research focuses on hypersonic phenomenology using both experimental techniques and high-fidelity CFD. Before joining VT’s faculty, Dr. Joseph worked in industry gaining invaluable research into current real-world engineering standards and methodologies, current needs and landscape of the community, as well as industry expectations for new graduates. Her most recent industry work has ranged from developing methods to predict aero-optical distortions through the hypersonic flow-field, modeling the electromagnetic spectra from the hypersonic flow-field, and modeling ablation and turbulence in the hypersonic flow-field. Prior to 2020, Dr. Joseph developed new compression system technologies for both commercial and military applications at Pratt and Whitney. |